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FOR ME AND MY TOUGH BOYS-and girls 🙂 If you hold back a sneeze, that’s not good. If you don’t go to the restroom to relieve yourself 1 or 2- That, could be bad. If you don’t eat food or drink water for 7 days, you are for sure in trouble. Need I say what happens if you cut off your oxygen supply?
So tell me, why do we think it’s OK to cut off other normal human needs like- crying? (GetYourMindOutTheGutter) smh
Not crying may not be as severe as cutting off ones oxygen but Never expressing that normal function is for sure on it’s way to SOMETHING weird being played out SOMEWHERE. A GOOD CRY IS GOOD FOR YOUR SOUL.
Now, Here’s the kicker. Crying is like demolishing an old building. You MUST blast it and get all the old rubble totally out of the way, clean off the surface and then, THEN, thats where you see and be clear enough to start a nice and stronger foundation for something new. New is good. “Go on, make that ugly face and DoWhatYouGot2Do. A new day is on the way and so is the new you. ~T. Bridges-2020/ 10/13